Hello, I’m Said (like psy-eed), I’ve been growing into suicide prevention work for six years.

Wild, because over ten years ago it was me on the edge. That day I got struck by a revelation: the universe actually is cold and lonely.

It’s now my mission to help 1,000,000 people develop high quality suicide prevention skills. Together I know we can make the world a little more warm and connected.

No matter who you are, I believe you’re the right person to grow crisis support skills.

They’re simple to learn, not easy. There’s loads of hidden traps and reasons people don’t make it through suicide prevention training.

Whether you’re learning crisis support from a big organisation, or you work on the frontline in mental health, or you just feel CPR for emotions is a good idea, welcome!

I write so you can be confident supporting anyone: colleagues, clients, friends and family.

I offer you atomic essays, videos and articles at no charge. Plus lots to come: courses, books, all sorts. By day I’m a supervisor and team lead at a big anonymous helpline.

Have a look around, stalk me on socials and feel free to say hi! My DMs are open.


New Essays, Randomly.

Personal development, suicide prevention, communication skills. You can read about loads of things in really short, super high value essays. I pack big ideas into bite sized pieces.

It’s more fun with a community so join me on Twitter! @saidwithcourage

These are the latest atomic essays displayed, or you can see the whole lot by clicking this button. 👇🏽


  • Using Abstraction In Suicide Prevention

    Using Abstraction In Suicide Prevention

    There’s a powerful, hidden skill in suicide prevention. Read this article and you’ll be able to practice it in every day conversation – maybe even with people in distress. Who knows, it might help you support someone down from the edge. It’s called ‘Abstraction’. Abstraction is very popular and well understood in other fields like…

  • Healing Trauma With Journaling: An N=1 Experiment

    Healing Trauma With Journaling: An N=1 Experiment

    Hello, this is a write up for a long term behaviour change and transformation experiment. Please hit me up with any questions, feedback, input etc. I will do my best to remain not-too-emotional-yet-still-authentic. TL;DR: I’m going to identify my problem behaviours, trace them to core wounds, tear them open in a controlled journal setting, knit…

  • Said Bouziane’s 2023 End Of Year Review

    Said Bouziane’s 2023 End Of Year Review

    I closed my eyes to shut out the countdown. Images of humiliation flashed by. You’ve completely forgotten the rest, you’ll have to walk off the stage in shame. Everyone will know you as the one person who only got half way through. I’d spent probably over 60 hours for this chance. And there I was,…


New Episodes, Randomly.

Ever want to be a fly on the wall and listen to people healing their trauma together?

Tune in and hear lovers, friends and family do the work.

To Make Change, Let Change Make You – Ep. 0010