3 Lessons For Younger Me To Keep Writing & Keep Trying

1 >> Starting again is the proof, both now and later.

Drifting off course or quitting might feel disheartening, but that pain will lead you to know yourself.

Knowledge compounds. The more times you start again, the more you learn. The more you write, the better you get. The better you get, the more rewarding it becomes. It’s ok you have to quit and throw in the towel when you do.

Life is an experiment and failure is just the successful result of taking a risk: you gain data!

2 >> The best time to start is 20 years ago, the second best time is today.

Just like planting a food forest, finding clarity of purpose gets more rewarding with time.

It’s hard to know what purpose to cultivate. Hard to tell what works with your values, personality, strengths etc. The only way to find out is to find out. Keep taking risks. Keep putting yourself out there. Keep trying hard at the stuff that looks fun or meaningful or rewarding.

By applying yourself and attempting to grow your purpose, you’ll one day find something that lights you right up.

3 >> Do what your heroes recommend.

All those authors and TED talkers have the courage, tenacity and purpose you envy because they did things differently to most.

So do it. Follow the advice. Get out the pen and paper and actually do the exercise! Go through ‘Fear Setting’ with Tim Ferris. Write your ‘Square Squad’ with Brene Brown. These people didn’t get there by consuming content mindlessly, they got there by taking applying what they learned.

If you want traits others have, do what they did!