How To Give The Worst Suicide Support Part 2

Forget your self care.

If you are serious about wanting to be the best at giving the worst support, put yourself last.

This is an absolutely sure fire way you’ll offer abominable support. I would know because I was there. It got so bad I had to take myself off the service so I could focus on self destructing in secrecy.

Your self care is the most important thing you’ll have to destroy if you want to fail people.

Don’t be honest with your organisation.

Supervisors, supporters, employee assistance, all that stuff will only hold you back if you want to give terrible support.

If you feel any weird feelings at all: guilt, shame, bitterness, anger, frustration, blame, judgement, defensiveness… don’t be real about it. Those feelings will all serve you incredibly well in offering garbage tier support to those in need.

Making sure you keep your feelings to yourself is just an all round excellent strategy to not win.

Lie to yourself.

In terms of offering atrocious support, doing this will uncap all your potential.

Your intuition, your gut instinct, your self awareness. You can ensure you’ll offer absolutely atrocious support by giving in to all of your worst habits and addictions. Numbing, avoidance, overindulging, your ability to offer terrible support is limited only by your self worth.

Once I unravelled my self worth I was offering the gold standard of terrible support in no time.