Non-Judgement Is Unnatural But Don’t Let That Fool You
Non-judgement is at the core of any good therapists Jedi mind tricks, but why are we so susceptible to their magic? They make you feel heard, understood and validated. This must say something about how you felt beforehand. Unheard? Misunderstood? Invalidated? The world is full of people who don’t listen, because they don’t know how…
Non-Judgement FAQ
What is non-judgement? Non-judgement is a way of listening to people (and even to ourselves!) where we remove agenda and opinion, all that’s left is pure listening. Learning non-judgement is deeply uncomfortable for most people, because most of our opinions and agendas happen without our awareness or even our conscious choice! So non-judgement requires lots…
Why You Get Triggered
Introduction I always knew about trauma, but only as a concept. You know, images of some homeless guy dodging imaginary gunfire. Recently I realised just how much of my life – in fact how much of everybody’s lives – have been shaped or touched in some way by wounds of trauma. The gunfire isn’t imaginary,…
Attending to both Feelings and Safety
Often when learning something it’s easy to rulify things. This helps to simplify the complex. When used in the right way, simple rules for practice can make a huge difference in developing our skillset and comfort level engaging compassionately with self awareness. When used poorly, over simplification of rules or guidelines can really hurt connection.…
Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself
‘Should’ holds you back But it feels good to use… We ‘should’ ourselves and get a tiny hit of gratification. I know I should… (insert whatever we’re not doing) With that tiny hit of gratification, kind of like the feeling of calling out hypocrisy, what do we do? Do we declare war and march upon…