Tag: Validating Emotion

  • Here’s How I Reconcile A Huge Tension In Suicide Prevention

    Here’s How I Reconcile A Huge Tension In Suicide Prevention

    Suicide prevention comes with many tensions. No one-size-fits-all. It’s as complex and nuanced as the people in it. This is what makes risk obsession and black and white thinking so harmful. Intake policy for example might encourage getting info from patients quickly. But it’s chronic invalidation that led them to want to kill themselves in…

  • In Crisis Support How Do You Validate Without Colluding?

    In Crisis Support How Do You Validate Without Colluding?

    When starting out in crisis support, it’s difficult not to relate. I would hear something heart breaking and want to say ‘Hey, me too!’ but was told this isn’t appropriate… After years of service and many hundreds of conversations, I can confirm; it is inappropriate! But for so many of us (myself included) it can…

  • How To Validate Without Taking Sides

    How To Validate Without Taking Sides

    When navigating the often uncomfortable journey to non-judgement, there can be a lot to balance. Between staying within the framework, balancing professionalism with authenticity and learning to gain, spend and repair trust… it’s a lot! On my journey into mental health support work and non-judgemental listening, I always found it helpful to simplify as much…